経年による劣化や変化は見られますが、本文はきれいです。Essential reading for permaculture designers and accessible to a wide range of critical thinkers. This revised edition is more accessible than the original, with redrawn graphics, corrected and amended text, new references and a newly designed layout that invites the reader into the world of whole systems thinking that is permaculture.When it was originally published in 2002, Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability explained the systems of permaculture in 12 design principles that together with three central ethics provided a foundation for a diversity of ecological solutions that characterise permaculture design, teaching, development and activism. Fifteen years on the book has been translated into nine languages and has proved to be the seminal text for extending permaculture beyond its agrarian roots.#permaculture#bill_mollisson#billmollison#crystal_warters#パーマカルチャーデザイナー#パーマカルチャー
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書 |
商品の状態: | やや傷や汚れあり |
配送料の負担: | 送料込み(出品者負担) |
配送の方法: | らくらくメルカリ便 |
発送元の地域: | 東京都 |
発送までの日数: | 2~3日で発送 |
Melliodora Wholesale - Permaculture: Principles & Pathways
Permaculture: Principles and Pathways beyond Sustainability
Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability
Melliodora Wholesale - Permaculture: Principles & Pathways
Discover Permaculture Principles - Hawaii Eco Living
大きさもちょうどよく、破け難いです。 \(^o^)/
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- 21歳
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MB式整体 秘技 ありよう/軸圧 松井真一郎